In Odoo / OpenERP, sometime we have to wait for a while when we press on a button. We have to wait after all processes completed. Like a Send Mail button, after pressing Send Mail button we have to wait program to send out the email, as long as work is in not done the openerp UI is blocked.
We can escape this waitting. In Odoo / OpenERP, we can have our processes run in background, by using ir.cron of OpenERP like this way:
In function _let_process_in_backrgound which is invoked by our button, we use a cron task, the cron task will call method: 'function': 'do_something', of model: 'model': 'hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet' (for example), agurments are:
def _let_process_in_backrgound(self, cr, uid, data, context = {}):
timesheet_id = 1
str_now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
nextcall = parser.parse(str_now) + datetime.timedelta(seconds = 60)
pool.get('ir.cron').create(cr, uid, {
'name': 'Cron job to do something that take very long time',
'user_id': uid,
'model': 'hr_timesheet_sheet.sheet',
'function': 'do_something',
'nextcall': nextcall,
'args': repr([timesheet_id])
return {}
In Odoo / OpenERP, we have the method do_something like this:
def do_something(self, cr, uid, timesheet_id):
return True
By this way we created a cron task in OpenERP to be executed at nextcall time.
Can you define what is the long running process? If I create a process that take more than 1 day, did the process not killed by Odoo itself?