sudo -u postgres psql [db_name]
Get PostgreSQL Version information
postgres=# SELECT version();
Create a new role with password and assign it as a supper role
postgres=# CREATE USER openerp WITH PASSWORD 'openerp';
Change the password for users
ALTER USER davide WITH PASSWORD 'hu8jmn3';
Grant a PostgreSQL user as a super user:
postgres=# ALTER USER openerp WITH SUPERUSER;
Linux command to create postgresql user with super database user role:
# sudo -u postgres createuser openerp -s
sudo -u postgres createdb mydb -E UTF-8 -T template0
Backup a db
sudo -u postgres pg_dump -o db_name > bk_name
Restore a db
psql db_name < bk_name
Drop a database
postgres=# DROP DATABASE db_name;
Change database owner
postgres=# ALTER DATABASE target_database OWNER TO new_onwer;
List all databases
postgres=# \l
List all postgresql users
COMMAND LINE: Clone a database
# sudo -u postgres createdb -O ownername -T originaldb newdb
Access Postgresql database with Postgres user without password:
# sudo -u postgres psql postgres
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